The words we use have power. Whether we know this or not. Whether we accept this or not. The words that we choose to use have power!

Yes, that's right. We have a CHOICE in the words that we use.

The top sports stars KNOW this. They use certain words to enhance their performance. What does this mean? Simply this. Top athletes take advantage of the motivating power of certain words and phrases. Don’t believe me? Then watch a 'Fearless Motivation®' video to feel the power of words! When the video is finished- I promise you, you’ll feel motivated to run a marathon, climb Mount Everest or start that new diet!

The best politicians also KNOW about the power of words.

§ Abraham Lincoln used this knowledge for his famous Gettysburg Address. His speech, his words, helped to save the soul of his nation.

§ In 2004, an unknown US Senator gave a speech that included a line about ‘red states, blue states and the United states of America’. His choice of words and his oratorical skills catapaulted him to international prominence. Who was he? Barack Obama.

§ And in his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, Martin Luther King used words so movingly that it turned almost an entire nation away from segregation and towards racial equality.

Do you know who else knows about the power of the right choice of words?

§ Advertisers

§ Doctors with a great bedside manner and great trial lawyers

§ Great moms

§ Great dads

§ And the very best teachers

Yes. The words we use have POWER! Words can comfort us. Motivate us. Inspire us. The words that we choose to use tell the world (and our own subconscious selves) who we are and what we believe.

For example, if you are not a racist, there are certain words that you will NEVER use. Not even when you are alone and having a conversation with yourself in the privacy of your own mind! You will not do it because it is not who you are.

It’s all about the power of CHOICE.

Now, throughout the Bible, God uses symbolism and symbolic words to convey deep truths.

§ Jesus is the 'bread' of life. He sustains us.

§ Godly things are like 'wheat' because they sustain us.

§ Things of the devil are like 'tares' because they poison us.

Certain numbers are also used for their symbolic meaning in the Bible.

§ The twelve tribes of Israel.

§ The Ten Commandments.

§ The eight souls saved from the flood in the story of Noah.

All of this brings us to today’s specific topic: 

I admit that it is a strange question. But do you know the difference? Does it matter when we call a child- a ‘kid’? Does it matter when we call children- ‘kids’? Let's say that it doesn't matter for the world at large. Do you think that it matters how believers, and especially God's remnant people, refer to children?

Consider Matthew 25:31-46. In this passage, Jesus is describing how He will separate the righteous from the wicked at judgment time based on their works.

Pauline Christians don’t like to be told that Christ expects true believers to have works (James 2:17-26). But this is exactly what Christ taught His Apostles!

Christ says that we will be divided like sheep and goats- the righteous and the wicked, based on our works. In Matthew 25:31-33 (KJV) it says:

    When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him,
    then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 
    And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another,
    as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
    And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

And in verse 46 of this passage, we learn that after separating the righteous from the wicked, the righteous will be able to enter heaven but the wicked will be sent to hell. This is not the only time that Christ mentions our 'works' and our eternal destination (Revelation 20:12-15).

The righteous, i.e. people who are going to heaven, are labelled as sheep.

The wicked, i.e. people who are going to hell, are labelled as goats.

Therefore, knowing this, it makes me wonder. Why do some BELIEVERS call children 'KIDS'? After all:

§ As we all know, baby goats are KIDS.

§ Baby sheep are LAMBS.

§ Jesus is the Lamb of God (John 1:29)

§ Goats represent the wicked who will be sent to hell

§ Sheep represent the righteous who will be sent to heaven

So what is the true message that you are sending when you refer to your own children or somebody else’s children as 'kids'? Remember that the power of words is in their symbolic meaning!

In fact, if believers have to call children by the name of an animal, why not choose the lamb? Why are we choosing to use the symbol of the devil's own?

This term (kids) is so pervasive and automatic now. You hardly hear anyone anywhere use the words CHILD or CHILDREN anymore! Everything these days is about the 'kids'. It’s on TV. It’s in the movies. It’s in books, newspapers and magazines. It’s everywhere on the internet. And it’s WRONG!

I must admit that I too used to make this mistake, before I fully understood the spiritual significance of what I was saying. I had to re-train myself to stop using these words.

It isn't easy to make this change but, as God’s remnant believers, I know that we must try! We are on a journey of becoming more complete people of God.

Therefore, child not kid. Children not kids. Think about heaven not hell!


HARVEST TIME Prophecies’ is the blog post site of TNG Academy. Our blog post site gets its name from Matthew 13:30- i.e. the separation of wheat and tares that will occur at harvest time (i.e. the endtimes). Remember, the ‘wheat’ symbolises Godly things and the ‘tares’ symbolise things of the devil.

The purpose of these blog posts is twofold. Firstly, they are written to encourage more focus on Christ’s core message- i.e. the ‘gospel of the kingdom’. And second, they are written as an aid for our discipleship journey- i.e. improving our understanding of God’s expectations of us. I hope, these posts assist you on your journey of ‘becoming’!

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