Have you ever heard any of the following statements?

        1. We’re in a recession, we must be prepared to make sacrifices.

        2. I sacrificed my social life to study for my exams.

        3. In chess, sometimes you have to sacrifice your queen to checkmate your opponent.

        4. We honour our brave soldiers today because they sacrificed their lives to defend our nation.

        5. Your Honour, I want half of the marital assets. I sacrificed my career to look after the home and raise the children!

Hmmm...such a lot of sacrificing. Such a lot of GIVING UP!

The words we use are so IMPORTANT! Not only do they help us to communicate with others; they also help to reveal our subconscious motivations. The words we choose reveal how we really think and feel about things.

A movie that I watched recently (A Star Is Born) really touched me and I decided that I was going to use the film’s message as an anchor for this week’s Christmas blog post.

Initially, I thought the movie was asking the question: ‘what we are prepared to give up (i.e. sacrifice) for those whom we love’? But the more I thought about it and the more I dug into my Bible studies, I came to realise that neither this movie nor the Bible actually supports the modern concept of sacrifice! Surprised? Stick with me!

Did you know that Jesus only used the word ‘sacrifice’ TWICE in the whole Apostolic Scriptures? Amazing! Here are the TWO times that He used the word: Matthew 9:13 and 12:7, respectively (KJV, emphasis mine):

        13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice
        for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

        7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice
        ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

These two verses are based on Hosea 6:6. They are a little easier to understand if we go back to the meaning of the Hebrew word ‘hesed’ (also spelled ‘chesed’ or ‘checed’). Most English translations of the Bible use the word ‘mercy’ for hesed in these verses. But ‘hesed’ in Hebrew actually has a much broader and deeper meaning than just mercy. All of the words below could be used as synonyms for hesed:

        § Mercy/mercifully

        § Kindness/lovingkindness

        § Loyal love/steadfast love

So what Christ is saying in Matthew 9:13 and 12:7?

        ‘I will be hesed (merciful, loving, kind and loyal) to all the sinners who repent. 
        I did not come to earth to save the righteous. The righteous already worship God and offer Him sacrifices.’

Since Jesus didn't focus much attention on sacrifices, let's see what the Old Testament can teach us! 

The word ‘sacrifice’ is derived from two Latin words: ‘sacer’ (which means ‘holy’) and ‘facere’ (which means ‘to make’). So the word sacrifice means- ‘to make holy’. In the Old Testament, the word sacrifice is used in one of TWO ways.

        1. As a noun- a sacrifice is the name of the object offered.
        Example: The lamb is the sacrifice.

        2. As a verb- a sacrifice is an act performed.
        Example: The lamb was sacrificed (i.e. slaughtered, slayed or killed)

In the Old Testament, the word ‘sacrifice’ is used almost 300 times (and this includes all of its derivative forms- i.e. sacrificed, sacrifideth, sacrifices, etc). But note, in each instance, the Old Testament is consistent. There are only two ways that this word is ever used! Even in the stories of Cain and Abel (i.e. the object offered) and Abraham and Isaac (i.e. the act of killing to provide the offering), the Old Testament is consistent. Noun and verb. Two uses. Two meanings. That’s it!

But human beings have corrupted the meaning of the word sacrifice. Now, when we refer to a ‘sacrifice’ in modern language, what we are actually referring to is something that feels like an accountant’s balance sheet! It is a record of a transaction- what was given up and what is owed. For example, we often hear people say:

        ‘I GAVE UP ten years of working to look after the home and the children, 
    so now YOU OWE ME $$$ dollars in compensation because we are getting divorced.’

They could create the same meaning if they said: 

        ‘I SACRIFICED ten years of working to look after the home and the children, 
    so now YOU OWE ME $$$ dollars in compensation because we are getting divorced.’

Our use of the word sacrifice indicates what we think about it. We don’t focus on what we are giving the recipient. We selfishly focus on what we are losing and what we’re having to do without! But this is not biblical!

There is nothing wrong with being appreciative for whatever someone has done for you or has given to you. But all of us know people who are ‘transactional’ in character! Transactional people only ever help because they expect to get a benefit in return. This is NOT a foundation for a good relationship!

Consider the following three verses:

1. John 3:16 (KJV, emphasis mine) says:

        16 For God so LOVED the world, that he GAVE his only begotten Son, 
    that WHOSOEVER believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2. John 13:34 (KJV, emphasis mine) says:

        34 A new commandment I give unto you, that ye LOVE one another; 
    AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, that ye also love one another.

3. John 15:13 (KJV, emphasis mine) says:

        13 Greater LOVE hath no man than this, that a man LAY DOWN HIS LIFE for his friends.

What do we learn from these verses?

        § God GAVE the world Christ because He LOVED the world.

        § Christ GAVE His life for the world because He LOVED us.

        § We must GIVE our lives for the friends and family that we LOVE.

And by the way, ‘laying down one’s life’ doesn’t have to mean dying! Sometimes it just means the willingness to put aside our own priorities so that we can focus on the priorities of those whom we love.

The Apostolic Scriptures teach us that relationships should be about GIVING. They are not supposed to be about GIVING UP! Life is about love, not sacrifice!

Do you realise that if more relationships were built on GIFTS OF LOVE, rather than feelings of SACRIFICE, there would be no bitterness or rage when they ended? A gift of love and a sacrifice are not the same thing at all and the Bible doesn’t teach us that they are!

Many of you will recognise this clip from the movie ‘A Star Is Born’. It captures the two main characters performing the song ‘Shallow’.

Have you seen the movie? It is a romantic drama that stars Bradley Cooper, as ‘Jackson Maine’, and Lady Gaga, as ‘Ally Maine’. I highly recommend that you see the movie, if you haven’t already seen it.

It is the fourth remake of a classic tale. Hollywood released the first version in 1937. The second version was released in 1954. The third version was released in 1976. Bradley Cooper’s version was released in 2018.

I cried. I admit it. I thought the film was a real tearjerker. I had seen the 1976 version and so (spoiler alert) I knew, even before the movie started, that Jackson Maine would die. But I expected him to die in an accident, triggered by some alcohol or drug-induced incident. After all, that’s how I remember his predecessor, Kris Krisstofferson, dying in the 1976 version.

But that’s not what happened! Instead, Jackson makes a conscious decision to end his life. This took me completely by surprise.

Jackson’s death wasn’t a transaction. He didn’t want anything FROM Ally. He wanted something FOR Ally. He wanted to GIVE something TO Ally. This movie is about LOVE and the audience realises this.

Jackson believed that Ally’s music had an important message. He believed that the world needed to hear her message. He was aware that she was becoming distracted by the commercial forces that were pulling her away from her core message. 

I think Jackson knew that Ally’s grief would re-focus her. It would help her find her way back to her core message of true love.

GIVING and GIVING UP may look the same on the outside BUT they are driven by two completely opposite motivations. Real love and transactional sacrifice are not the same things!

In this holiday season, let us celebrate the birth of Christ. Let us remember that God GAVE Him to the world because He LOVED us.

Let us also remember that Christ came with a message from God- ‘...Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’. (Matthew 4:17, KJV). Let us pledge to transform ourselves and become our more ‘hesed’ selves!

Happy holidays- have a Merry Christmas!


HARVEST TIME Prophecies’ is the blog post site of TNG Academy. Our blog post site gets its name from Matthew 13:30- i.e. the separation of wheat and tares that will occur at harvest time (i.e. the endtimes). Remember, the ‘wheat’ symbolises Godly things and the ‘tares’ symbolise things of the devil.

The purpose of these blog posts is twofold. Firstly, they are written to encourage more focus on Christ’s core message- i.e. the ‘gospel of the kingdom’. And second, they are written as an aid for our discipleship journey- i.e. improving our understanding of God’s expectations of us. I hope, these posts assist you on your journey of ‘becoming’!

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